My name is Daniel Barton, and I am a Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist in private practice in Nashville. I grew up in Nashville and have returned home after a 15 year absence. My treatment approach is primarily psychodynamic using a biological, psychological, and social model to evaluate and understand patients’ difficulties. I have work experience in virtually all environments of mental health services including outpatient, inpatient, crises, and emergency psychiatry.
The services I offer are individual psychotherapy, family systems work, and balanced medication management. The management of medication can occur on its own, within the context of therapy, or in collaboration with another provider. I am comfortable working with individuals experiencing loss and grief, questions of what to do with lives and careers, problems with sense of self and self esteem, adaptation to developmental obstacles, repetitive problems finding satisfying relationships, addiction related concerns, issues with anxiety and depression, and with the many problems facing young people. I have expertise in working with children and adolescents and the issues they face throughout their school years. I also treat individuals with mild to severe depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, panic disorders, and other problems generally thought to require psychopharmacological intervention. I am available for consultation to help you determine what type(s) of treatment may best meet your needs, and if I am not able to provide that treatment, I can assist you with finding the appropriate referral which will work for you.
I am not a member of any insurance network. Some policies may pay a percentage for out-of-network providers. Insurance coverage is between you and your insurance company; you personally are responsible for payment of my fees at the time of service. I can and will, however, furnish you a statement once a month that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement should you so desire. If you are not sure as to whether you have out of network benefits, I recommend that you call your insurance company for more information.